Cappadocia Then and Now

One of our greatest regrets during our time in the Land of the Sunrise is not taking the time to visit magical Cappadocia. I can offer no satisfactory excuse. We just didn’t do it. I give you some images to tickle the taste buds and stir the wanderlust.

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We were reminded of our failing by Pansyfan Bonnie. She sent me this fascinating Turkish film of Göreme from 1962, courtesy of Turkey Central. This is Göreme only 50 years ago, yet it could be from the time of Abraham – no camera-toting tourists, no swish cave hotels, no restored Disney murals, no over-blown restaurants, no hot air balloons, no hot air hawkers. From biblical to boutique. I have no words.

Kapadokya 1962

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23 thoughts on “Cappadocia Then and Now

  1. Gosh! It looks really amazing! Yes, I understand you must be kicking yourselves and each other! Never mind, save it up for a special holiday…I am sure you will be back. Is it so touristy now?


  2. . . what to say? Stop dribbling into your cin and tonik; you had the chance and you blew it on hedonism and red wine! Easy Jet will give you a chance to redeem yourselves and if you don’t pass by Okçular on the way to redemption I’m going to be really pissed off!


  3. Wonderful film – Thank you. Couldn’t resist – I shared the film.
    Don’t you just miss us a little bit??


  4. So sorry you missed out. Cappadocia really is something else to see – especially from the air. I have been twice and look forward to my next visit, whenever that is. It’s unfortunate that people often don’t make the effort to see the sites close to where they live, don’t you think?


  5. I can’t believe you missed Cappadocia. I would’ve thought those, ahem, “fairy chimneys” would’ve been just your thing. 😉 I wonder who thought up that name for those rock formations. Someone wanted to distract us from what they really look like.


  6. Great film, I went there in the mid 80s, it was still fairly unspoilt then, I dread to think what it’s like now!


      1. I’d happily revisit it in a flash if I had the money, and the underground cities around there are truely amazing too (Far more like Goblin Caverns from Lord of the Rings than the vast empty spaces in the films! LOL). If you do go there in the future, visit them too!


  7. I too haven’t yet visited – bad person, slap wrist – even though it was on my list of “things to do” when I moved here 6 ish years ago … but I remember seeing an episode of Hairy Bikers Cookbook when they visited the fairy-city and ended up in a museum filled with dead hair hanging from the ceiling! Made my stomach veritably lurch and maybe that’s why I’ve dragged my heels hehe


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