I’m Coming Out

It’s official. yesterday Perking the Pansies smashed through the magical 100,000 barrier*. I’m genuinely amazed, incredibly flattered and truly humbled. I know 100,000 is small beer to the big boys but this little boy is thrilled. I’ve been writing since the end of October 2010 and, apart from Christmas Day and Boxing Day, I’ve posted every day. In celebration of this event Liam and I are popping a bottle of bubbly (well, cheap Turkish fizz) and coming out of the closet with a few select photographs. I expect a brick through our window any day now.

For best effect keep the music playing as you view the slideshow. Be careful not to dance around your handbag.

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*Combining my current hits with my old Google blog before it was blocked by the lazy Turkish censors.

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30 thoughts on “I’m Coming Out

  1. Brilliant, Jack! I’m raising a glass to you too. 100,000 is utterly amazing. I’m pretty happy with a paltry and pathetic 2,000 since February. But I don’t have your stamina and couldn’t possibly post daily – I’m lucky if I manage it weekly (or weakly?)

    Anyhooo, I love the photos – your wedding, I take it? Way to go xx


  2. Jack, a colourful and lovely post, What you may not realise, or maybe you do, is that having a happy, openly gay couple in the middle of Bodrum and celebrating that fact with a very popular and reasoned blog, is new and different, I see you as a bit of a pioneer ( I hope you don’t mind the responsibility). Power to your pen. I’m moved,


  3. Congrates hope you had a great celibration you inspire us all with your daily insights. May you blog on, I think the same as Tom….. you are both a refreshing example of free minds. In an all too quickly closing society here and abroad, you give me hope for humanity and if you effect people to have a broader out look in life you are doing a very worthy activity.


  4. CONGRATULATIONS – for your courage, creativity and open-hearted confidence in Coming Out. Love the wedding photos, and the shoe shot. You two look SO in love…


  5. Congratulations on hitting the 100,000 barrier. However I wonder if you are going to be safe on the streets of Bodrum now. I don’t mean from any anti-gay Turks but from those ex pat ladies of a certain age!

    PS Love the wedding pics


  6. Tebrikler Jack. Wonderful achievement and its looking good for the book sales now!
    Keep on writing…please!

    Lovely photos, you both look really happy.


  7. Congrats! I can’t say I am surprised – your voice is truly unique and your interview still stands out as one of favorite. Thanks for kicking off our series so smashingly and inviting us into your life each & every day.


  8. Hats off to you Mister :-)x And in the words of David Brinkley:

    ‘A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him’


  9. Awwww… what is it about a wedding that gets everyone teary??

    When I read the title I was thinking ‘Umm, isn’t he already out?’. But when I saw the photos I realized that you truly were coming out. Personal photos on your site, oh my, you are a brave one. Congrats on your 100K (very impressive) but even more so on you and Liam finding each other. You look so happy!


  10. Congratulations Jack – keep on blogging!!! And now I know whom to look for when I nip over to Bodders!!


  11. Thank you to all the kind comments and for the loyal following. I hope I can keep you coming back for more. Will we be safe on the streets of Bodrum? Inshallah!


  12. Next target 1M. Why not?
    Each regular reader recommends to 5 friends and 3 continue and they recommend to 5 friends who ditto and before you know it you have a pansy harvest. Now where did I put that Pansy chain letter I received the other day?

    Great news guys. Liam should share in the glory as the supportive coffee provider whilst the bard thumbs his thesaurus whilst slavishly penning the column. It’s a hard life.

    Pray tell who’s the tall one of the two, as you’ve left us with a 50/50 guessing game or will that be revealed at 500K; or better still the book signings?

    Keep up the good work.


    1. I’d be doing cart wheels down the street if it was uniques. No, it’s the total. I’m blessed with a loyal following. Uniques vary from about a third to a half each week..


  13. Wow – lots to celebrate and I can’t quite imagine what it was like to pass the 100k mark. I had a major squealing episode when I passed 10k and I’ve been blogging since August 2008!

    Seriously though – congrats on your two big events and thanks for sharing your happy pics.


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