Review of the Year, 2011

Happy New Year to pansy fans one and all from a stormy, rain-sodden Bodrum. In the best tradition of the New Year and all those cheap-to-make review and top ten TV compilations I give you:

Perking the Pansies Top Ten 2011

An eclectic mix of the mad, the glad, the sad and the bad, the old, the bold, the sold and the gold. It’s interesting how few of these posts are actually related to expats directly. The list represents around 20% of all hits to Perking the Pansies (out of about 500 posts). Fancy that.

  1. Amy Winehouse, RIP
  2. Now, That’s What I Call Old
  3. Are We Mad?
  4. Pussy Galore
  5. Gay Marriage in New York
  6. Expat Glossary
  7. Publish and Be Damned
  8. There’s Hope for Us All
  9. Happy Birthday Perking the Pansies
  10. Sisters Are Doing it for Themselves

I wonder what 2012 has in store?

This is in store right now.

8 thoughts on “Review of the Year, 2011

  1. All the best to you and Liam. 2012 for you are new adventures waiting to happen. I wish you both all the health, wealth and happy times ahead XXXXXXXXXXX


  2. Happy 2012 to you both!! And thank you for being the top commenter on my blog for 2011! I really appreciate your support, your humor and delight in your blog posts, a million thanks…


  3. . . can’t thank you enough, Jack for adding interest and a whole new slant to my otherwise jaded and insular lifestyle. ‘Perking’ has been a revelation in so many ways.
    Success to both of you, however you measure it.


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