Bah! Humbug!

bah humbug1I’m no scrooge, really I’m not. The piggy bank may have dropped a few pounds since my days as a senior bean counter, shuffling a pile of papers from one side of my desk to the other then back again, but we can still afford to spend a farthing or two on our nearest and dearest. We just can’t thrash the plastic to make the grand gesture any more. Britain may be finally emerging from the longest and deepest recession since the Great Depression but our days of austerity are permanent (that is, unless Liam’s Lotto numbers come up). It’s fine. We don’t mind. It’s our choice. Let’s face it, I could always stop mucking about with this writing lark and get a proper job.

Anyway, don’t you think festive fever is a bit OTT these days? I’m not one of those old farts down the pub who will bore you with their sad Victorian tales of home-sewn Christmas stockings stuffed with two walnuts and a satsuma – very A Christmas Carol.  No, I got a Dalek suit, a Hot Wheels racing set, an action man with all the butch accessories and enough Dinky toys to run Port Talbot (admit it, you thought I played with Barbie dolls, didn’t you?). It just the whole commercial juggernaut seems to start earlier and earlier and by the time the baby Jesus pops out, I’m ready to chuck my lot in with the Devil. That’s why I just love this glorious ad from posh Knightsbridge department store, Harvey Nichols (superior by far to their more famous neighbour, Harrods, only spitting distance away). It’s a breath of fresh air. 

The video was first picked up by the lovely Aussie Kym at Gidday from the UK.  Ta!

23 thoughts on “Bah! Humbug!

  1. Fantastic advert…very clever. I agree with you Jack. I hate all the commercial stuff which starts far too early. What disturbs me most is how much debt people get into for one day. I’m glad that living here I can avoid the whole thing. Seasons greetings to you and Liam anyway and lots of love and good wishes for the New Year xx


  2. . . don’t worry about it jack; latest estimates are for the Runaway Greenhouse Effect to have accelerated to such an extent that the planet will be virtually uninhabitable by2030! Spend it while you can – happy christmas, by the way! 😉


  3. As you probably know here in Turkey it’s just another day…. so you do what you want and the pressure is just so much less! no whipping you up with adverts and peer pressure! What ever you are doing over the holidays have fun and Merry Christmas to you x


  4. I used to actually vomit from the pressure of Christmas what with business gifts to give out and all the staff going loopy. So many years in Turkey the pain has lost it self and I long for a more Christmas feel. Merry Christmas you two, hope the Turkey goes well, there in Norfolk you should have the pick of the best . Regards Ahmet and Yvonne… trying to have a Christmas in Turkey xox


    1. Thank you, Yvonne. We’re actually London-bound and separated this year (as in previous years). I’ll be with my sister’s family and the old girl with Liam looking after his folks. We’re back together on Boxing Day. It’s what we do. Have a good ‘un. xx


  5. I love it. Thanks for the chuckle. ( I have to fight the humbug myself of Xmas stress – presents should be for kids. I just want the music and the turkey – unless I have to do all the cooking myself!)


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