Fifty Shades of Gay

I’ve been asked to answer the question ‘What does writing LGBTQ literature mean to me?’ As a typically liberal fence-sitting Libran, the answer is both nothing and everything. An endorsement from my queer peers is of Oscar-winning significance; it lifts the spirits and brings an immediate rush. However, my sexuality is not the only thing that defines me (though, I suspect, it may be the biggest). I hope I’m more rounded and grounded than that. When I was young, reckless and idealistic, the stirrings in my loins did tend to get in the way. Had I been writing back then, I might well have been a one trick soft porn pony. Now I’ve matured in the oak and reached the vintage years, my pink-tinged ramblings have a broader brush. For me, it’s important that my writing touches, tickles or resonates, whoever the reader is. When I started this blogging lark, the fruity blend of ‘out-and-proud’ and ‘living in a foreign field’ was a successful recipe that brought unexpected recognition. This explains why the subsequent book is about a gay couple living in Turkey, not a book about being gay in Turkey (that depressing tome remains to be written). This may have disappointed some but I think delighted many more. In my view, this wider appeal does a great deal for the cause.

The one theme that has remained a constant preoccupation of mine is all things equalities. I do tend to bang that particular drum rather a lot. After all, it is the universal rainbow thread that unites us all. Equality has never been achieved by anyone asking nicely and saying please. It’s taken hand-to-hand combat with the hard of hearing. Let’s face it, the equalities marathon is hardly off the blocks in many parts of our shared global home, even in some so called first world countries. Rights won the tough way can be lost in an instant. Threats lurk at every corner and apathy is the greatest threat of all.

I’ve been thinking ahead to a third episode of my pansy brand (the second is already on the drawing board). Now I don’t actually do anything useful for a living, I might as well carry on scribbling, whether people tip me the wink or not. If nothing else, it fills my day and keeps me away from tranquilising doses of daytime TV. I might take a mince down the towpath to my probationary dalliances, in which case, volume three might be an under the counter affair, wrapped in a brown paper bag and served up with individual tissues. How does ‘Fifty Shades of Gay’ sound? Minus the cuffs and corsets, though. Slap and tickle have never really got my juices flowing.

I wrote this post to celebrate and support the launch of Rainbowbookreviews, a brand new and exciting LBGT book review website. To join in the fun I’m offering a free signed copy of Perking the Pansies, Jack and Liam move to Turkey to comments left on this post from UK callers. A Kindle edition or ePUB version of the book is on offer to international readers (please state your preference). Winners will be chosen at random and the competition will end on midnight on 1st September.

57 thoughts on “Fifty Shades of Gay

  1. Hi Jack, pleased to make your acquaintance! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I’d love to be in the drawing for an e-copy of Perking the Pansies. I think the title alone would entice me to read. 🙂


  2. To quote Martin Luther King: Freedom isn’t ever voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.


  3. thank you for participating in this blog hop. =) please count me in for the draw ( i’m from international )



  4. I have a similar experience…..being gay in Belgium and having a closed relation with an Arab gay….in Turkey….He would love to write a novel too…
    congratulations for your book


  5. . . one of the biggest threats to the bigot’s mind-set and his/her armour-plated ignorance is when, every now and again, a little sunbeam of shared humanity pierces the dark recesses – not just on your personal battle field but across the board – keep on truckin’ mate – one drop at a time.


  6. Rights won the tough way can be lost in an instant.

    THIS. WORD. I keep saying this all the time–that hard won rights are not then set in stone but subject to change with the next political group that comes into power. This post really resonated with me–thank you for sharing!
    akasarahmadison at gmail dot com


  7. Hi, Jack.

    I glad to have discovered you today. I will visit your site on a regular basis.

    Tracey D
    booklover0226 at gmail dot com


    1. I was just about to say something similar about it being an interesting read. I need this, it sounds marvelous! So glad the hop brought me here 😀


  8. Love getting to read other authors’ thoughts and learning about books I simply must read. Happily entering the drawing for an e-copy!
    kelly dot wyre at gmail dot com


  9. I love this and your emphasis on equality, Jack. Will share these thoughts with my friends, as this is something we are striving towards in Jamaica – however distant an ideal it may seem!! I also think the “broad appeal” is very important. Whether gay or not, if your readers can relate to and enjoy your experience, then you have done good!


  10. I am quite intrigued by your book’s setting among other things. Include me in the draw if you please, epub or pdf.


  11. Really enjoying this blog hop and discovering new to me authors! Please include me for the epub version of Perking the Pansies…it sounds wonderful!
    seritzko AT verizon DOT net


  12. Thanks for participating! I’d love a Kindle copy if I won. Thanks again!



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