Say What You See

To some, my words may sometimes appear harsh and uncharitable. This is not my intention. My fervent belief is that I raise a satirical mirror to the myriad of expats we’ve encountered. Sometimes the reflection is funny, sometimes it’s sad, and sometimes it’s plain ugly. To coin Roy Walker’s words from Catchphrase, that dreadful but compulsive Sunday night game show from the last millennium, ‘Say what you see’ and that’s what I do. What I don’t do is betray a confidence or invent for effect. What is written is either already in the public domain or has been said publicly. People damn themselves with their own words. I do express opinions. I have lots of them, but I do not set myself up as the perfect paragon of virtue. Far from it. I am as flawed as the rest.

I’m not at all sure why anyone is remotely interested in the waspish ramblings of an ex-pretty boy whose function in life used to be purely decorative, but it seems that my blog has struck a melodious chord with many. I am truly heartened by the numerous messages of support I have received and amazed that Perking the Pansies has received well over 25,000 hits since it was launched less than four months ago. I don’t know how long it will continue. I don’t want to flog the blog it to death like a sad sitcom well passed its sell-by date. Maybe I will just tire of it or maybe my ratings will drop to point where I am simply talking to myself. Inşallah.

10 thoughts on “Say What You See

  1. You sound down, its not like u, we come on to hear good ramblings of what develops in your everyday life, it is the first thing I look for in a morning come on tell us all about the stuff that’s mundane to many but fascinating to lots xx take care and chin up


  2. You are by far the most pure magnifying glass on this self-defined, pruported cosmopolitan society which is still insulated beyond its own borders. Keep going with stone proof windows and keen observations because few others dare to.


  3. Jack, ‘say what you see’ was the subject. That is exactly what you do with every blog. Every day is different, every point you make is from your perspective. It interests not only me but many others. Your sexuality is of no consequence in your observations of living in Turkey but does have a bearing in your interpretations which many of us find intuitive and funny. It would be a very sad day indeed if you thought that your blog was past it’s sell by date. Every day should give you fresh insights and inspiration to continue with this excellent blog. Thank You


  4. Your blogs have become a very important part of my day – please do carry on. I have property in Turgutreis but sadly have not amassed enough of a retirement fund to allow me to live on a permanent basis so currently have to make do with long holidays. Your very perceptive characterisations are wonderful to read – if you have been travelling to the Bodrum peninsula for as long as I (21 years now) – or I daresay anywhere on the Turkish “riviera” for that matter – it is very easy to spot doppelgangers of all your featured “artistes” all over the peninsula! Keep up the good work


  5. I have really enjoyed your blog and hope you will continue. I’m moving out to Turkey, Selcuk to be more precise, in late summer and am considering doing a daily blog. One of the things I am giving thought to is how to not let it go stale.


  6. I agree with everyone, carry on writing, you have a gift for it. I think it’s inspired many people, myself included, to write more.
    Keep up the good work.


  7. I love your blogs, keep up the good work, the fascination for me is your reading of people and how you make caricatures of the many people those of us who love Turkey recognise. Au contraire to any negative opinion on “say it as you see it” I would personally see it as a great compliment if I recognised my type in one of your posts. We have not met, I own a holiday home is Kusadasi but I am very much in absentia as unlike some I have not yet accumulated the necessaries to live in Turkey full time. Best of luck and keep it up…


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