jack-the-hack-_writingtipsMore of my inane ramblings on writing…

Unless you’re tapping into that trust-fund set up by your dearly departed maiden aunt (the one everyone knew was a lesbian but no one mentioned it) or have a partner who doesn’t mind indulging you (that’ll be me, then), don’t give up the day job just yet.


7 thoughts on “Don’t Give Up the Day Job

  1. or at least prepare for the day that you do! Get your money out of the reach of the taxman and out of the control of banks, out of stirling/dollars/etc.


  2. Yeah all so true I thought we hit the jack pot when Ahmet published his 2nd book only to realize it was not going to work out that way at all. Now he is working hard in a day & night job (that’s Turkey for you) and the 3rd book is a struggle but what a great boost for an ego that had seen better days. Just got his 1st. book translated into English and will be looking on how to publish in the English speaking world…. any advice ? I am not expecting too much but if we don’t dream we won’t achieve anything.


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