Earthquake Devastates Turkey

Terrible news is emerging of a devastating earthquake that has hit eastern Turkey near Lake Van, one of the nation’s poorest regions. The quake, registering 7.2 on the Richter Scale, is the most powerful for more than a decade. At least seven aftershocks have rocked the region, hampering rescue efforts. Tragically, fatalities are likely to be high. For countless millennia, Turkey’s noble landscape has been wrought by Mother Nature at her most pissed off. We in Turkey live on top of the active Anatolian Tectonic Plate surrounded by constantly shifting fault lines. Tremors are common. It can happen anywhere. But for the grace of God and all that. The people of Van are in my thoughts.

If you need to know what do in the event of an earthquake please read the Earthquake Preparedness Guide at Being Koy.

You can help the victims by checking out Turkeywithstuffin’s Blog.

11 thoughts on “Earthquake Devastates Turkey

  1. Terrible news. My thoughts are with all thoses affected. Wasn’t this in a similar area to the one in 1999??


    1. That was the Izmit quake in northwestern Turkey much nearer to Istanbul. It caused massive casualties (about 17,000) because of the density of population. Let’s hope that the Van quake isn’t as bad.


  2. there was a devastating quake in Bingol when we were there.
    Out of this tragedy watch the magnificent nature of the human animal rise to the surface. To those who say human nature is spiteful, shallow, greedy and selfish; I say look to those who will risk all for their fellow human beings – now tell me there is no hope for humanity.


  3. Really awful news. My condolences to the people of Van and everyone else affected. We have the odd tremor in Jamaica and we are on the edge of a plate too (viz Haiti in 2010)… How fragile we are, as the song goes.


  4. This is a terrible quake and the nights are freezing in that area at this time of year god help any trapped survivors. I was on top of a 5.6 once and it took a long time for me to get over it. I really feel for all these people. Only nature has this power to take life so easily.


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