Whinging Brits

According to the Legal Ombudsman, the average Brit moans about something going awry 71 times per week but less than 1 in 5 of us are prepared to do anything about it. It’s well known that us Brits have raised whinging to an art form. Unlike many of my compatriots, I have a relatively positive demeanour. Apparently, I even whistle when I walk (irritating, I know), a practice I inherited from my mother. But even I want to throw rotten eggsΒ at the screen every timeΒ I see that fakeΒ man of the people (and former investment banker) Nigel Farage (leader of the far right UK Independence Party) and his nauseatingΒ blokey faceΒ grinning back at me on TV.

I know from bitter experience that the classic moaning minnie has a colonial cousin, stoking up the home fires overseas. Yes, the Bigot Abroad, someone who hates the country they’ve moved to and hates the country they’ve moved from. There’s no pleasing someΒ twats.Β IΒ crashed into one or two of ’em propping up the bars of Turkey, I can tell you. Nigel’sΒ swivel-eyed fans areΒ alive and thriving in expatland. If only we could deport Nig to join them.

nigel farageFeel free to throw a rotten eggΒ at this image.


22 thoughts on “Whinging Brits

  1. You are SO right. As an ex-pat for nearly 30 years now (!!) I have come across many of those. My goodness though, I hope I don’t whinge too much in my blog? I try to balance it out with the happy stuff. Whingeing becomes self-defeating, after a while. And as you say, leads to no action!


    1. And you manage it magnificently. After 30 years you’ve more than earned the right to have your say and you always pose important questions. Long may it continue. Way to go!


    1. Not sure my previous comment went through, so I said…I’m with Alan on this one, please don’t send him here, we have enough to put up with. Why do you think I moved to a remote village?

      (Delete as necessary…sorry)


  2. I have a close friend who worked on the metal markets at the same time as that man and he is apparently far more dangerous than that jovial blokey show he puts up. Has blood on his hands.


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