After months of blood, sweat and tears, a lot of ripe Old English and a few hard boiled debates, the first episode of the Best of Perking the Pansies, the Turkey Years is finally off the blocks. So here comes the hard sell:

PtP Episode 1 (1000 x 1600)aHave you ever wondered what itโ€™s really like to pitch your tent in a foreign field, particularly a Muslim one? Guidebooks and travelogues only go so far. To get a real feel, you need to ask someone whoโ€™s been there, done that and bought all the fake t-shirts. When Jack Scott and his Civil Partner, Liam, moved to Turkey nothing could prepare them for what was to come โ€“ heatstroke, frostbite, biblical floods, Byzantine red tape, lazy censorship, blackouts, bugs from Hell, rancid drains, lunatic drivers, dirty politics, spring-loaded waiters, jaw-dropping sunsets, kindness, generosity and acceptance. They stumbled upon what Jack infamously described as the mad, the bad, the sad and the glad. Jack decided to write it all down in a blog for all the world to ignore. He called itย Perking the Pansies. Against the odds and quite by surprise, Perking the Pansies grew into the most successful blog of its kind in Turkey, attracting a loyal following, the attention of the Turkish national press and hatched an award-winning Amazon number one best-sellingย book.

Now that Jack and Liam’s sweeping Anatolian adventures are behind them, Jack is publishing the best of the blog as a two volume e-book. The uncensored director’s cut includes previously unpublished material and some solid home-spun practical advice about living the dream. Visas, tax, banking, working, customs, healthcare, schools for the ankle biters – all the boring stuff is in there. Jack likes to be functional as well as decorative.

Buy a Kindle edition fromย,ย Amazon.comย and from all other Amazon stores worldwide. Alternatively, buy an e-Pub version from me directly and I get to keep all the dosh. The e-Pub ย format can be read on most non-Kindle readers (Nook, Kobo, Sony, Apple). The e-books are priced at just ยฃ2.99 and $3.99 – cheaper than a pint of cooking lager in Soho (or about 0.00005 pence per word). A bargain.

I’m still working on the second episode – Turkey, Surviving the Expats. Watch this space. For more information and to read a short extract, please check my author website:

26 thoughts on “Turkey, the Raw Guide – Out Now!

  1. As an “openly” gay man (I did a certain amount of passing when safety seemed to require it) I went on an adventure in 2002, on my own, for two months throughout mostly small town Turkey. I’d go back, but perhaps not alone and certainly not as naively trusting, unfortunately. I’ll be gobbling this one up!


    1. Hi Alex. I have a feeling in my water that you could write your own book about your adventures ๐Ÿ˜‰ I hope you enjoy the e-book. It’s like drawing a line under our Turkey adventures. You might also be interested in my first book, Perking the Pansies, Jack and Liam move to Turkey. It’s the biography of our first year in Turkey and has been well-received. It’s available on Kindle as well as in paperback. Cheers! Jack.


  2. Congratulations, Jack! Good luck with all the marketing. But you probably don’t need luck as you’re something of an expert!


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