Shaken, Not Stirred

Ex-spook, Linda (she denies it, but I know she was), gave up her 007 career at the Pentagon and settled in the Low Countries to write about life and fret about global warming. If my house was fifty feet below sea level, I’d fret too. Linda is a prolific blogger, accomplished writer and published author. She’s also an all-round good liberal egg with the all the right values and a huge heart. Linda has been a great supporter of my blog virtually from the outset. She wrote an incredible review of my book and, best of all, I didn’t have to bribe her. This just goes to prove you can’t wet the beak of the honourable. In addition to the review, she’s written a post Pansies, Oh So Successfully Perked on Adventures in Expatland. Read it here.

7 thoughts on “Shaken, Not Stirred

  1. The best thing about this virtual tour is all the great websites you are introducing us to. This is another great one.
    I’m gradually replacing my daily Archers fix with Perking the Pansies. Jack’s Bodrum is much more interesting than Ambridge.


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