Jack Frost

It’s bleedin’ freezin’. As night time temperatures plummeted, Liam extracted his Dennis the Menace jim-jams from the bottom of the wardrobe, unrolled the woolly socks, re-commissioned the hot water bottle and upped the tog with an extra duvet on the bed. It’s icy times like this when I most appreciate not sleeping alone. As night progresses, we weave together, limbs entwined like a French plait, sometimes opting for periods of alternate spooning.

Come sweaty August nights, it’ll be a different story entirely. We’ll roll to opposite sides of the bed in a fruitless attempt to cool our clammy old hides.

16 thoughts on “Jack Frost

  1. Any excuse for spooning works for me…I’ve had winters when I was a kid when it was pretty darn cold in Virginia…I think you and Liam must be winning the cold weather prize!


  2. Too bloody right It was. I’ve been in Istanbul and Izmir for work this week – it was snowing in Istanbul when I arrived Monday night and walking along the bay in Izmir yesterday, I was never so glad to have my heavy winter coat on! Brrrrr!!


  3. Same action over here in New England. We have an old house, so instead of Dennis the Menace jim jams (want to know the source of those btw) we wear hats to bed as the windows in our room exude chilly air all night long!


  4. Since returning to Blighty this October I have lost count of how many times people have said to me I must be missing the weather in Turkey and how am I coping with the cold.After seven winters in Turkey and used to dressing with thermals and layers I am actually far warmer than them and and have hardly had the central heating on..I dont bother trying to explain the winter conditions in Turkey any more,unless people have experienced it they just dont believe it.


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