Jack’s Turkey Top Five

Sasha at On UR Way invited me to recommend my Turkey top five in her World Experiences series. I was really pleased to be asked. When you’re thumbing through a brochure or studying a guide book do you sometimes get the feeling that some of the authors haven’t actually been to the places they’ve written about? I’m not a travel writer (though who knows in the future) but at least I’ve seen and experienced the activities I’ve selected.

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4 thoughts on “Jack’s Turkey Top Five

  1. How right you are, Jack. Lonely Planet are actually quite open about the fact they don’t visit the places they write about. When I wrote to complain about the last Turkey book they told me the author based it on recommendations by email and hearsay from fellow-travellers. So you can sit happily in your armchair in Bodrum and write a travel guide about Shanghai!


    1. Turkey is an amazing country to visit with more ancient Greek sites than Greece and a unique blend of cultures – not quite west, not quite east. Turkey’s size means there’s something for everyone. Come and enjoy.


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